Biosolids GHG
Greenhouse gas emissions from biosolid amended soils
This project aims to understand the influence of biosolids on soil nutrient cycling and greenhouse gas emissions. The Stillwater Wastewater Treatment Plant is land applying biosolids derived from their treatment system to fertilize crops they later harvest and distribute as cattle feed. We are considering how these biosolids may enhance or inhibit nutrient cycling processes (i.e., denitrification) and greenhouse gas emissions. The team utilizes a combination of field, lab, and modeling approaches to answer different research questions under this project umbrella.
![Stillwater biosolids application site](/assets/img/projects/Biosolids_Project.jpg)
The team:
Mary Foltz – Assistant professor, OSU
Jason Tyler – Plants manager, City of Stillwater Youtube Interview
Lizzie Long – MS student, OSU (modeling & field lead)
Shaima Khalifah – MS student, OSU (lab lead)
Shelby Maggard – BS student, OSU (field equipment lead)
Madi Wilson – BS student, OSU
Cheyenne Mata – BS student, OSU